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 Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010

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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 4:26

• Aussies worry about 'non-existent' crime (AAP)
• Thousands of guns surrendered in amnesty (AAP)
• Corbell denies DPP lacking funding (ABC)
• Rates to rise $60 a year (ABC)
• Land agency axed 'due to downturn' (AAP)
• Driver fatally shot friend in car: court (AAP)
• Armed bandits rob cash van near school (AAP)
• Patel to face two separate trials (AAP)
• One third of Riviera staff lose jobs (AAP)
• Coalition stumbling on carbon trading stance: Rudd (ABC)

Very Happy Old news is good news!!!!
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 4:31

aussie bogans pay more for grog and ciggies - stamps feet!!!
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 5:28

Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Wakeup10

Now, would it be because one of yahoos moderators is a Muslim, this and is an advocate of both refugees, asylum seekers and immigration in general?

Fancy having a white-Aussie loathing Muslim moderating an Australian message board, this and thinking this would sit right with an alleged predominantly Australian readership when we all know a majority of silenced Australians don't share their enthusiasm for the hijab, this or like to think their moderator is being intentionally racist so as to strike a sympathetic cord with leftist do-gooders.

Forget it Borns, your Rudd is now mud, Australia will recover from this tantrum-tossing twit and get back to the business of protecting our boarders as soon as this Chinaphile has left the building.

Are we racist?

Not nearly as much as we are protectionist and territorial.

And in an era whereby "people" have reached plague proportions throughout much of the developed/developing world , is it such a bad thing to want to preserve what little of our Australian culture and way of life we have left, so our children call Australia home for many generations to come this and not feel like an outsider in their own neighborhoods?

What these stupid Muslims don't realise is their own self destructive pursuits are indeed working against them.

Think about it, they come to Australia in pursuit of freedom, sanctuary, equality, opportunity...in essence, a western 'better' way of life, or else they wouldn't want to come here, ...(well presumably) .. yet they turn perfectly good suburbs into sprawling slums of disadvantage which take on the atmosphere, street-laws, way of life as down-town Baghdad, this and encourage a western society to accept this atrocity, invasion as their culture?

If you are home sick....GO HOME!!!

You have choices, we didn't force you to abandon your own ships to seek greener pastures in a developed western world.

Rather you are expecting us to forgo our civil liberties so as to accommodate you, the pampered sensitive minority. This and proceed to play the reverse racism card well.

We were here first, it's our way, or no way, OK!!! <---- (our new tourism slogan) Wink

When you immigrate to anothers country, you respect their existing laws, this and their way of life , their people...you don't set about imposing your preferred way of life, laws, values, beliefs, etc into them in a pursuit to overthrow existing institutions.

Muslims don't want to assimilate, they come here with the view of spreading the seed of Allah, because they know, as did the Romans, and many more before them that religion is power. This is where things get political, where they begin demanding equality, their own schools (they wont permit outsiders to enroll in) ....their own transport, doctors, suburbs, ....and the list goes on.

This isn't multiculturalism, it's their having used our tools of freedom against us to achieve an objective, of which is to take over the joint.

Borns is a Muslim spooling her/it's own agenda over on Yahoos boards.

Like sheiks inundate Aboriginal prisons with a view to recruiting the lowest common denominator, it too trolls forums seeking the same types of people who are vulnerable, this and easily persuaded.... And dull people pissed off with their government and their world is a great place to start. WAKE UP!!!
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 7:17

Put simply, a message board cant be 'flavored' by just one individuals/groups ideologies, there needs to be an element of contrast, objectivity, debate even? inorder to thrive (legally).
Yahoos censorship is a scourge on civil liberties, freedom of expression, and now that it's formed an alliance with channel 7, it has both a duty and responsibility to conform to Australian-ACMA guidlines and media laws.

Would Sunrise 7 approve of predatory forum posters like Track-watcher seducing little girls on a yahoo avatar forum? -Yahoos mods turned a blind eye to this for months, and didnt even blacklist the thing until he had done the deed, then preceeded to gloat about it on the regular yahoo 7 message boards in the coffee lounge (suprise suprise) , at which point a few of us jumped up and down and demanded that they do something about it.
It was allowed to go on for months however, and so this pleased filthy old mehomid, and his swamp-rats....who approve of this sort of thing to keep the boards active.

How ironic that at the time Sunrise 7 were doing a story on cyber-bullying .. imagine a message board bearing the Yahoo!7 slogan being a rife with the very thing..(I doubt mel & Kochie knew) .....they oppose....
recall fordrules, roo, doc etc bulying and threaten people, and their children online?

Going so far as to harass them in real life even?

It sounds too far fetched to be true, doesnt it people, but give me time, I have many screen-saves to demonstrate this very fact.

*pinches self often*

Cool .... Put simply, the "Mufti-mod" panderes to the big mouthed peddo-grubs due to mutual interest..,...it didn't matter to the Muslim mod borns (initially) that these thugs were racist and or engaging in criminal activities online behind the sceens via yahoo IM and Yahoo Groups, so long as the products and services were being used, the boards kept active, and the mufty got it's fill of gushing anti-western sentiment in between whacking off over pictures of little blonde girls without facial hair in the nude.

Well, this changed one night recently when it (the Mufty, or it's apprentice) challanged roo (a nut-case, peddo-hag and forum vetren) on her tunnel-views concerning Pauline Hansen not wanting to sell her house to Muslims.....*whoa* at which point roo recoiled, submitted, opting out of the discussion, however things have been strained since, havent they borns.... This is because you were caught red-handed dictating the terms of expression, this and allowed your religious beliefs to interfer with the dynamics of a paedophile message board.

Either way, the fact still remains, "Allah" and "filthy-old-mehomid" preside over Yahoos boards, even if this stands to jeopardise the relations between a few long standing posters still trying to peddle their porn.

So.....as it stands, it's the Peddo's -vrs- the Allahs on Yhaoos boards.

Cant have your hijab and eat it too I suppose. Smile

Bogans, druggies, mental cases, dumb-asses are all potential conformists and custom/prey, to both the grubs and the Muftis on yahoos boards. So when you arrive at Yahoos boards, you can expect the following..... first take off your shoes, grab a tatty towel from the linnen closset, and prepare for deep, thrombolitic psychoanalisis, to assertain wether or not you are suitable for either porn or Al Quada recrutement. Either way your pretty well wacked, and would have to be inoreder to fall victim to these sorts of people to begin with right?


When normal people go over there and see whats happening, this or dare to adress it...they are usually black-listed...this or recieve what I now refer to as the Allah-blanket ban.

You have two choices, join the lynch mob and become a cyber terrorist or crook...(preferably both) this is just how things work over on yahallahoo!7 these days.

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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 7:33

you lot being so concerned about yahoo is mind boggling.
it must feel awful having nothing else to do but pick shyte out of another forum
like this dump better is than there? i think not
this is a sewer pit for lunatic maniacs.

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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 7:38

Defamation, or disclosure isn't a concern for those who have what they need in place to back up their claims...mobile phone sim-cards emails, screen-saves, ... even sworn statements from the stalked-peoples relatives and friends to verify that those who have been misbehaving, harassing posters on yahoo have indeed contacted them and made threats away from yahoos boards.


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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 7:48

if this was the case the owner of the forum who is mellie with the picture would not be harrassing posters in here and from other forums,
get it right you fruitloop and clean then dunny out before spreading more dung around the traps

she is nothing more than a gutless little nerd online and if it came to the big cruncho none of you would back the idiot cuz you only feed her and play her................pitiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 8:11

Quote :
you lot being so concerned about yahoo is mind boggling.
it must feel awful having nothing else to do but pick shyte out of another forum

So you don't think grubs proliferating child porn and exciting already unhinged misfits to involve themselves in cyber-terrorism and illegal conduct isn't worthwhile discussing?

Yahoo!7 has become a major social-networking portal, and I'm not just referring to these particular news message boards.

Not serious?

Well that to the young girl and her family one of it's members/trolls (Track-watcher) seduced off yahoos avatar forums late last year, after having made contact with her, away from the boards after having seduced her online in full view of those bared witness to it.

Would this be the first time Yahoo have been in legal strife concerning the rampant pedophilia,bullying, and trolling phenomena occurring on their boards?

Honestly, they should have just stuck with the search engine.

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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 8:29

#1 if this bent and twisted owner of this forum had anything that was proof she would not be here slandering people
#2 She has been dribbling the same shyte for years
#3 look at what she says about people
#4 no normal person would sit for hours slandering
#5 a normal person would not be bragging and the deed would be done with the legals
#6 you assholes who go along with her shyte are in the same shyte hole as her


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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 8:31

I just find it ironic how those from yahoos message boards come here to flame Mel for the very thing they are doing themselves, only to accuse her of slandering them in retaliation to what they themselves instigated.

I dont know about them but if I dont like someone I generally keep away form them.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and if you aren't prepared to take it on the chin, then why bring it?

I have seen some disgusting things over on yahoos forums, absolutely appalling.

Mels forums are rather benign compared to the threats, depravity and vindictive conjecture I have seen over on
Yahoos boards in recent weeks, and I only found out about them just over a month ago.
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 8:45

there is a snapping point in everyone and i say the point has been reached by a few, that snapping point can take a long or short time, foolishness by anonymous means doesnt save anyone when it goes beyond the fantasy and then it gets dangerous

facebook girls disappears after meeting, that is very real...........:-(

c'est le vie
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 9:28

Correct me if I'm mistaken though isn't it reasonable to expect an element of retaliation/anamosity when flaming an individual on their own forum Yes?

From what I have read on this forum, Mel has clearly irritated a few people by abandoning Yahoos message boards.
It has become apparent that a handful of those who enjoyed harassing/interacting with her on Yahoo are now harassing/interacting with her here Yes?

I have observed Mel come here both spirited and in good faith with a genuine desire to post worthwhile non yahoo related articles only to be trolled by others who continue to bring these Yahoo related 'affairs' to the top each time she attempts to engage in a different topic Yes?

If they dont want her to discuss yahoo or themselves then why continiously bring these Yahoo topics back up to the top to begin with?
Do they want the topic of Yahoo discussed, disected, resloved or not Yes/No?

For a small group of people who claim they don't visit Mels forum they sure do allot of responding and complaining.
Now if it's not posters from yahoo responding and instigating yahoo related topics and strife, then who is?

I dont think Mel can be blamed for everything now, do you?
I think it comes down to taking responsibility for ones own actions and if this means resisting the urge to bring up Yahoo related topic this or respond to others who do, so as to not cause trouble for Mel on her forum then I think solving the problem is both a two way street and only a few clicks of a mouse cursor away. [X]
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 9:41

Ohhhhh puleeeeze

and who is to say who is coming from the yahoo forum if anyone, who are they????,it is obvious they are all clones, and mellie who you appear to be saying does not incite this? puleeeze tell her to stop posting everything from yahoo to here then hows that for a starters, fvck me, blind freddy can see what is happening mate,tell her to stop her slandering as none of these people are pedos, she has nuthing on anyone mate, nuthing!!!!!!
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 9:41

Hey, "UR2much", how about going back right to the start of this forum (that's page 11, btw) and have a look at all the bullshit Mellie started posting from day 1.

Constantly abusing and defaming Yahoo posters.

And, yes - 99% of the member and guest ID's here are HER.
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 9:46


Viewing triples in numbers on mellies forum, via the yahoo losers .

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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 9:49

^^^^^^^^^^^^ another Mellie guest ID. Rolling Eyes
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 9:53

Quote :
how about going back right to the start of this forum (that's page 11, btw

aha, LOL you been hanging out here from the very beginning, another yahooo 'guest' tosser

sad you have no key to get to the other side of that door you're locked behind
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 9:55

^^^^^^^^^^^^ another Mellie guest ID. Rolling Eyes
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 9:56

''''''Ohhhhh puleeeeze

and who is to say who is coming from the yahoo forum if anyone, who are they????,it is obvious they are all clones, and mellie who you appear to be saying does not incite this? puleeeze tell her to stop posting everything from yahoo to here then hows that for a starters, fvck me, blind freddy can see what is happening mate,tell her to stop her slandering as none of these people are pedos, she has nuthing on anyone mate, nuthing!!!!!!''''''''''''' guest

Well if everyone here who posts as a guest is Mel then why are you challenging me for taking her defense?

In my experience and I have had quite allot over the years concerning the management of online content one is only offended by what they read so wouldn't resisting the urge to browse her forum solve allot of your problems let alone dignifying her posts with a response?

Mel sent me a PM advising she no longer posts on Yahoos boards however can you say the same when you freely admit to both viewing and engaging her personally here on hers?

And with respects to your claiming she has '''NUTHING''' from what I have read this and viewed in the way of forwarded emails I wouldn't say thats entirely true old chap.

I think you know this and also think this is why you continue to come here to read and respond to her posts.
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 10:00

Quote :
Mel sent me a PM advising she no longer posts on Yahoos boards

Only because they've (finally) permanently banned her.

She can (and has) gotten around that but she knows that she will be blacklisted and have all of her posts deleted as soon as the Yahoo Mods know it's her.

And, that doesn't take long. Laughing
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 10:14

Quote :
have a look at all the bullshit Mellie started posting from day 1.

LOL @ the yahoo guest been here since mellie opened up shop,

she just can't stay away poor old lonely yahoo hag Very Happy
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 10:22

*** NEWS UPDATE ******

views and posts on mellies forum quadruple thanks to the y7 CL reporting rep yahoo guest

visiting since day 1, what a champion Smile

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 10:27

It's blatantly obvious for all to see that only a select few are as Mel puts it granted immunity on yahoos boards when referring back to some of the malicious, even criminal screen captures she has forwarded onto me are concerned.

Are you suggesting she threatened herself under some of the users ID's which are still actively participating on Yahoos boards?

And are you suggesting that Mel has found some way of hacking several of the offenders Yahoo accounts signed in as them abused herself sent an email to herself then discretely logged back out of a secure server then back into her own account?

I sincerely doubt this my friend.

However what I have observed is a habitual abuser/s of Yahoos own terms of service being allowed to continue harassing members at their discretion.

Does professional conduct mean anything to you?

It appears those who should have been banned the most are still there posting on Yahoos message boards of which in itself is an abuse of power and trust where their moderators capacity to manage malicious content and those who post it is concerned.

Or is this quite selective?

Perhaps Yahoos moderators should take a leaf out of their own book and pay closer attention to their own terms of service when dealing with matters like this on their own boards more professionally in future?
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Location : Ausatire

Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 10:48

Thankyou Smile
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010 - 11:24

mellie did that take you long to type and speak in the third person defending yourself??? you have done that before lotz of times, and you do not PM.

FFS !!!!!!!!!!!
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Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010   Yahoo!7 message board TS headlines 14/05/2010 Icon_minitime

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